2021 Mid-Year Reflections Worksheet

Hi friends! Hope you’re well. This post is a bit different than usual, but I hope it gives you some food for thought or help in some way.

I was stunned to look at the calendar and realize we’re basically halfway through this year! How can that be? I started this year with a lot of “morning” sickness and burnout from the year before. I honestly wasn’t sure if I’d be up for completing any quilt or Wax and Wane Studio-related projects. I decided to just sit with that for a few weeks, which turned into months, and as you know, back in April I was feeling ready to create again. I imagine most, if not all of you, have had similar feelings, especially this past year and a half.

Defining projects and setting goals is something I like to do to stay motivated. I need to keep things in a clear, straightforward, actionable list, (either on paper or in an app) or I can easily get overwhelmed. But I’ve also found that I need to not take that list too seriously, especially when it’s full of projects and tasks I’m wanting to do for fun! So, every few weeks, when I finish a project, or at a notable time of year (like now) I like to reevaluate my lists of goals and projects. When I do this I like to ask myself five main questions, without judgment:

  1. What did I accomplished so far and did I enjoy those projects?

  2. What did I not accomplish?

  3. Are the incomplete projects still important to me?

  4. Can I let go of the incomplete projects?

  5. Are there any new projects I want to add to the list?

I’ve put together a couple of worksheets if you’d like to try this mid-year reflection yourself. If you do this please make sure to be kind to yourself. Don’t beat yourself up for not reaching your goals, and don’t talk yourself out of projects that seem too big if you know they will bring you joy. You can download the free worksheets here. Please share them with your friends if you think they’ll find them useful!

Thanks for sticking around so far this year even with my very slow start. I’ll leave you with a peek at my new mini quilt pattern which will be out June 25. Here’s the completed Gyre quilt top and the finished mini hanging with the other three mini quilts in the series, Binary Star, Rivulet, and Protostar. Once Gyre is released I’m planning to put together a few free patterns to help jumpstart more creativity. I want to explore different ways of combining these four minis into one big quilt (and maybe bring in some from the Palm Out collection as well!).


Project Ideas


Quilt Patterns

Anna Brown

hand quilter, designer, @quilt.buzz co-host ☽ thoughtfully designed quilt patterns and courses for modern makers


New Pattern: Gyre Mini Quilt


Beginner’s Guide to Quilting (Part One)